Hugh’s Hopeful break in the dessert


Hugh Hunter in New Mexico.

I am traveling in New Mexico and Arizona with my wife Marygray and have much to be thankful for, and hopeful about. We have both needed the break and are grateful to be back in an area of the country where we have always felt emotionally, physically and spiritually inspired.

Since I have not been able to hook up with someone to write about here, this blog post is a slight departure from from the past. I want to take this opportunity to say thanks to all of you who have been part of and who have supported this discovery process. The original goal was to try to define Hope and better understand how it effects us humans. What I have enjoyed most have been the surprise nuggets that pop up in people’s attempts to explain how they feel about Hope. I don’t know how many times I have finished talking to someone and know what the core of the Blog post will be, only to find something different and unexpected hidden in the dialog that did not register while we were talking. Sometimes I feel that I should write a blog about listening. Gee am I glad that these talks are recorded. I look forward to many more of them.

Here are a few observations on the project so far:

There are two kinds of Hope. One is passive, as in, “I hope it is a sunny day today”. The other is active and can not be as easily defined. This active Hope is obviously what I am focusing on. Active Hope is more about our personal or collective intent.

Hope is an attitude

Hope can be an emotion

People have a difficult time defining Hope because we don’t discuss it much. I believe we take this energy for granted.

There is a strong connection between the naïveté of a child and the emotion of Hope. If we let go of the negative energy we develop while trying so hard to survive, we can better tap into the attitude a child brings to the world.

I have not met anyone who has said they were hopeless. I know this will happen, and I sadly look forward to it. I want to understand why one could lose all Hope.

I look forward to continuing these talks about Hope, writing more blog posts and hearing from you about what you think. And if you have a suggestion of someone you think I should speak with and write about, please let me know.

That’s it for now. More later.
Peace and Hope, Hugh

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2 Responses to Hugh’s Hopeful break in the dessert

  1. Mike McCormick October 31, 2021 at 5:52 pm #

    Hugh- I be been following Dr. Bill elders blog- which I think you will find intriguing -at height of his ministry he suffered a stroke. Love you man!

    • Hugh October 31, 2021 at 7:44 pm #

      I will check it out Mike. Thanks!

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